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Showing posts from February, 2014

Hearing the Call: Linda Wyatt and the Annual Gala

“My formula for being a steward—listen to what fulfills and enhances you, listen to the needs of the community, match what you can give to what is already established—and if it isn’t there—create it”.  Linda Wyatt To me, the Gala is a joyous fundraiser party.   How did I become the chair of the First U Gala?  Several factors:  I love to bring people together.  I wanted to give back to First U congregants-- especially in gratitude for supporting me after I was hit by a car in March, 2011. I had more time because my daughter was older and more independent.  I also was learning about the local music scene and the great musicians associated with our church. I knew the time was right to bring the music to party! I told Scott Hayman, “I know we can do this.  I planned my wedding in three months! Besides I’ve booked the band.  WE CAN AND MUST DO THIS!”   I was fortunate to have committee people who encouraged me and assisted ...

Hearing the Call: Your Stewardship Committee

The UUA handbook defines Stewardship as fundamentally spiritual.  The act of giving, whether time, talent or treasure, is, in itself, a form of worship.  Those of us on the Stewardship committee have been fortunate to be inspired by the many stories of those who have responded to the call of service in the programs which make up the life of our community.  You know many of these people, for they are present week after week, year upon year, mentoring our youth, singing in the choir, providing pastoral care, and doing all the small but essential things which enrich our Sunday worship experience. In the next few weeks we want to share some of these stories with you, that you might also be inspired when you understand the deeper meaning which results from all acts of giving.  And we also hope that in being inspired, you might find yourself hearing the call for a deeper commitment to our community, and that in responding to that call you are both a gracious giver and re...