Paul Ropp I see our social justice work as something I feel compelled to do out of a sense of gratitude. To me the most powerful statement in Jesus’s powerful parables is Matthew 25, “It’s not those who say ‘Lord, Lord,’ but those who do the will of the Father.” And Jesus makes clear the will of the Father is for us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Our committee’s role is to help the congregation learn about the vast range of human needs in our complex world, and to provide meaningful opportunities to do what we can to address those needs. This often starts with local needs but also extends across the globe. The Social Justice Committee provides a wonderful opportunity to work closely, and have fun, with like-minded people of great compassion and love of life! -- Paul Ropp Gene Johnson I value being a part of a group that is committed to promoting the right of every individual to live with dignity, to feel free to think for himself/herself...