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Showing posts from May, 2015

Giving Time and Talent: The Festival Choir

Cathy Levine I value the opportunity to learn wonderful music from a variety of sources.  Especially challenging are the requiems that we perform for All Souls Day.  It is thrilling to sing these beautiful works accompanied by talented members of the orchestra.  We learn so much musically from Will Sherwood and he makes it fun.  I also appreciate the camaraderie of the choir members. Music touches the spirit and moves us.  It provides comfort and beauty and soothes the soul.  The music we sing enhances and reinforces the other aspects of the church service.  The Music Program is an additional source of excellence in our very special church. --Cathy Levine Steve Knox I value the choir for the deep and lasting friendships I have made over many years.  The creative act of readying new music for performance is a bonding experience.  Each vocal part is a range of sound colors, and only by listening to each other is the...

Giving Time and Talent: Welcoming and Hospitality

Sunday Greeters Lee Reid When someone catches your eyes with a smile, a connection is made.  You are changed almost without being aware of it.  This small, light act is deeply affirming and inclusive.  When someone reaches out to you with a warm greeting, it is a connection so basic, so human, that we give little thought to it.  We just know that it leaves us feeling recognized.  Call it being welcomed, call it being valued.  This is hospitality at its most basic level.  It is a spiritual gift.  It touches and changes us. What do I value in my work with welcoming and hospitality?  An easy answer.  I enjoy the connection I have with others.  I enjoy introducing new and ‘been around’ people to others and to the life of the church.  I know that I’ve been around a long time and still much is continually new. How does the church and the congregation benefit from the work of the Welcoming and Hospitality team?...