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Showing posts from September, 2015

Pledge Day and Our UU Values

This year, the Stewardship Committee defined for itself a new mission: --to grow generosity as a core value within our congregation; --to communicate the full meaning and impact of stewardship in enhancing congregational life; --and to help the congregation align our UU values with our financial values. We believe that Pledge Day helps support our mission and also meets another objective we had:   come up with a means to shorten the pledge campaign and make it more fun! The activities of Pledge Day reflect in microcosm many of our UU values:   We believe that we should help those less fortunate. Pledge Day gives you an opportunity to practice that belief by helping to make hygiene packs for refugees.   We believe that we should protect our environment. Come Pledge Day and recycle your old electronics so they don’t end up in a land fill. We believe that we should slow down and experience the here and now.   Come for a shiatsu massage or spend t...

Pledge Day: So, what is this all about?

The spirit of generosity is foundational to our vision of community where love is abundant and joy is in the heart. You are accepted for who you are.  Not for being your best self, nor your less than perfect self, but simply for being yourself.  It is you who makes community happen, through the connections you create with others like you and still more who are not like you at all.  These are relationships deep in spirit and true in the love of neighbor. Your Pledge Day Committee. From the left: Diane Mandile, Lee Reid, Lee Bona, Seth Popinchalk, Steve Knox, Ellen Foley, Ken Mandile, Rick Silva and Rev. Sarah Stewart. You are generous in your acceptance of the many who are different than you, because you are bound together in the same aspirations:  caring for those within the church community and for the many within the greater community in which our church resides;  seeking justice for those denied equal opportunity;  providing shelter for famil...