Our church on Court Hill is where we practice our beliefs and actions – crazy as they seem to others. It is where we take risks. It is where we can leave our comfort zones. It is a place to humbly try to live outside of one's self. That is why I'm here. That is why I support First Unitarian. Please join me in this important work. -- Jay Lavelle At the Prudential Committee retreat in June, we came up with a set of goals for the year 2020. The first was “ Create a diversity of modes of spiritual experience for members, friends, children and youth." My own path is relatively diverse: austere New England T rinitarian P rotestantism based on service, charity, and being of good will, a dash of C harismaticism, and a heaping spoonful of Tibetan Buddhism. And that is not that uncommon. I know Catholics, Jews, Buddhists of all denominations, and Sufis in my ken, all of whom find a home at First Unitaria...