It doesn't matter what brought you here. What matters is that you are here now. That you live the covenant. That you pray, that you sing, that you are of service. -- Jay Lavelle I am a Unitarian. I am not a Unitarian-Universalist, or — God forbid — a "UU". I was in the church before the merger and was thankfully grandfathered in so I wouldn't have to deal with the music requirement. I would like to able to say that my church childhood was idyllic, walking down the tree-lined streets to the white wood church facing the town common. However, most of my childhood memories are blurred, blended, or blocked. Or just wrong. What I do know is that an interest in spirituality attempted to surface in my adulthood. It was not a review of my past and current lives that brought me back to the fold of Unitarianism, but something far more subtle than that. On a cold New Year's Eve I was at Worcester's First Ni...