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Showing posts from September, 2014

What difference does First Unitarian make in your life?

The First Unitarian church is my church family, with all the joys and sorrows that relationships bring. I continue to be so impressed with the skills, knowledge and thoughtfulness I feel from all the members and friends.   Wendy Innis First Unitarian makes me a better person. When I sit in the pew and listened to a thoughtful and inspiring sermon I think about what else can I be doing in my life to make the world better - How can I relate to people so that we all get along better? What else can I do for someone I am struggling with to smooth our relationship. How can I be a better person? How can we in this wonderful church family grow and share this safe and comfortable space? I need to talk further about being in a safe place. This is the only place in my life where I am free to be myself as an out lesbian. I am very out in much of my life but here I know my church family loves me for who I am as a person. It is not part of the equation to define me as a lesbian or not. I...

What difference does First Unitarian make in your life?

There are many diverse perspectives, opinions, political views and experiences within our community.  I value the opportunity to engage with new ideas and I appreciate the trust and acceptance we share that allows us to speak honestly about our convictions.  Seth Popinchalk    I feel very fortunate to be part of the First Unitarian Church community.  Sue and I joined the church in 2009 after we registered Kate and Lauren for the Religious Education program.  Both Sue and I grew up going to church, and I think we were looking for a place where our children could gain the valuable experience of having a faith community. At First U, I feel we share intentionality in our relationships with each other that we don't always find in the rest of our life. I see an emphasis on living the covenant that defines our UU faith.  Specifically the first three principles: We affirm and promote: The inherent worth and dignity of every person; Justice, equ...

What difference does First Unitarian make in your life?

Draw the circle. Draw the circle wide. No one stands alone. We'll stand side by side. Draw the circle.  Draw the circle wide. ~  Draw the circle wide. Draw it wider still. Let this be our song. No one stands alone standing side by side. Draw the circle. Draw the circle wide. ( from Mark Miller )  Lee Bona I first heard that song in a worship service this past June during the UUA General Assembly in Providence, RI. I saw optimism, faith, hope and strength in that song. I saw us in the words of that song and I saw what First U means to me. A couple of years ago, I would not have been able to say that. But here I am, and here we are. Twenty-four of us showing up and waving our banner at a city-wide Vigil for Unity...forty-six more signing a Unity Proclamation...standing on our steps with our minister, 30 strong, to support the glbt community...being vocal in meetings because we're believing our voices should be heard – need to be heard...showing up at worship a...

What difference does First Unitarian make in your life?

If 70% of the world’s population will be in cities by 2050, then I’m hoping  vibrant centers of liberal religion , like our church, can continue to thrive in the heart of the commonwealth, downtown  Worcester --a strong religious home for us as we work together for a better community.    Kate O'Dell A sigh of relief : Around 1980, flipping though magazines in a waiting room, I saw an ad for a humanist conference in Pittsburgh …“without supernatural beliefs, affirming our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives that aspire to the greater good.”  It turned out to be in a Unitarian church, at exactly the time that we needed an affirming opportunity for faith development that would allow us and our early grade-school age children to explore our convictions, without threats of damnation and “infallible rule-books.” A reliable, intimate community:  We experimented with intentional communities, and had embraced the idea of working together with...

What difference does First Unitarian make in your life?

" The faith community at First Unitarian is the wellspring of my hopes for my children and grandchildren, that they inherit a world rooted in UU principles. This is a vision of the future worth working for. "   Steve Knox Your 2014 stewardship team recently held a day long retreat in NH.  Many exciting events and activities will be coming your way, including events related to re-visiting our mission as a faith community.  As part of our pre-work, we asked ourselves the question “What difference does First Unitarian make in my life?”  The author of this blog entry, Steve Knox, offers the following: My involvement with and deep commitment to First Unitarian has altered and enriched my understanding of who I am.  I came to First Unitarian as a lapsed catholic, and have found my spiritual home in a faith community of mainstream Eastern and Western religious traditions, agnostics and atheists, worshiping together, each according to our conscience and ne...