There are many diverse perspectives, opinions, political views and experiences within our community. I value the opportunity to engage with new ideas and I appreciate the trust and acceptance we share that allows us to speak honestly about our convictions. Seth Popinchalk
At First U, I feel we share intentionality in our relationships with each other that we don't always find in the rest of our life. I see an emphasis on living the covenant that defines our UU faith. Specifically the first three principles:
We affirm and promote:
- The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
- Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
- Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth.
Our children have made friends through the church from all over the city; children and adults who look out for them and care for them. I value the opportunity for my girls to have friends from outside their school community; disconnected from the classroom social dynamics that naturally form as children grow up together.
I even see signs that my girls are freely choosing to be part of this community. When Kate received her invitation to join the middle school youth group BYKOTA she told me she was looking forward to it and had already made special plans to get a purple octopus...(it must be a BYKOTA thing)!
I enjoy building relationships with other members and friends of First U. There are many diverse perspectives, opinions, political views and experiences within our community. I value the opportunity to engage with new ideas and I appreciate the trust and acceptance we share that allows us to speak honestly about our convictions.
What difference does First Unitarian make in my life? First U is the community where I can make connections that cross beliefs and experience and enrich my family's life.
Thank you Seth!