First U has given me a place to nurture a commitment to helping others. Liz Gustavson

U provides me with a place for continuing the search for truth. Leaders in the pulpit during the year, and at
the podium during the summer services have helped broaden my ideas and
understanding of the world. Taking time
to listen to the “still, small voice within” is a necessary part of my worship
U also has given me a place to nurture a commitment to helping others. A large part of my volunteer time has been
given to the Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Worcester, one of the missions
of the church. With a few breaks (thank
you, Bonnie Harmon and Joonu-Noel Coste!) I have been the coordinator for over
14 years in First Unitarian's commitment to help families that have become
of my social life also is connected with the church. I love the UU Sisterhood, and its retreats,
monthly potlucks, and opportunity for fun and fellowship. Another church activity
are the Circle Suppers, a wonderful chance to be fed body and soul! Taking tours of the summer gardens of our members
is another inspiration and joy. I have done yoga and meditation here, as well
as been in skits in Unity Hall. I have
learned to knit, to make Lithuanian Easter eggs, and had painting and drawing
instruction. I feel blessed to have so many opportunities to learn and do
is another powerful draw here. I find the wonderful chemistry of our choir
under Will Sherwood's direction uplifting. There are fabulous open mic nights,
John Henry's Hammer Coffeehouse, and performances of our own skilled musicians
in the congregation.
This great big building feels cozy to me. It is my second home.
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