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New Member Stories: A Conversation with Linda Tartaglia

A conversation with Linda Tartaglia about joining First Unitarian and getting involved in the church community.

Brian Shea:
How long have you and your family been members of the church?

Linda Tartaglia:
About 2 years now. My husband Jim attended first, and then I started in the spring about a year later and by the end of the summer/early fall, that’s when we became members.

A few months ago I was ushering and Jim was the welcome person in the front of the church. So we were just kind of chatting and it was funny because I think our family joined around the same time your family did, but I just assumed you had been members for a long time. You know when you go into a new place you assume that everyone has been there for a long time? So he was like, “oh yeah, we just joined relatively soon”. And he had mentioned, that he was brought up in the Catholic Church.

Yeah. Me too.

My wife and I as well, so we were kind of chatting about that.

The Catholic Church is totally different.

Totally. Did you grow up around here?

No, I grew up in Revere, and Jim grew up in Port Chester, NY. We met in college.

You were saying that Catholic upbringing is very different than our church now. That was a big adjustment for us. A positive adjustment, but still, it was one of those things where you have to get used to the new rituals and the new culture and everything else.

Yes, completely. Everything radiates out from the priest. There is a highly entrenched tradition in the Catholic church.

Was First Unitarian the first church that you went to after leaving your Catholic Church?

Yes. The first few years after we left our Catholic Church, we didn’t have any church. I was very busy, and Jim was busy settling into our new home. But then he started seeking church involvement.

What do you do?

Computer education for elementary Catholic schools. So we worked primarily with nuns as principals.

Both you and Jim worked in the business?

Yes, but we decided that we wanted a parent to be home for the girls so Jim retired early. I continued work but traveled a lot less because I loved what I was doing. So anyway, in moving to Worcester, Jim started seeking a new spiritual direction. He was introduced to the church indirectly through our daughter, Joy, who, together with Madeline Brown, her teacher, played her recorder at a church service.

Joy is your daughter?

Yes, she's our older daughter. She played music at the First Unitarian and, since Jim liked the feel of the church, he started coming. After a year settling into our new home, I was seeking community involvement in Worcester, so I started coming to church, too. In contrast to Jim, I was seeking community involvement, not spirituality. At the time, I didn’t know anything about the UU religion whatsoever. I went based on Jim's positive experience. I was very pleasantly surprised to see how my personal views on social and spiritual life meshed perfectly with those of this church. Now I love it. I love the people and it’s the right environment for us.

You mentioned, I knew you were on the welcome committee and you went on the woman’s retreat. You’re in the UU Sisterhood?

Yes. It’s a great group of ladies. What really broke the ice for me was when I attended a meeting in the Spring of last year about the church’s goals. And we broke down into groups. I picked the welcome group because I had some ideas about how the church could improve the way it welcomes new guests. Initially I thought my experience was probably unique to me because I’m not a very outgoing kind of person particularly in a new surrounding. But, as it turns out, the other people on that team all had the same reactions as me. So, we all agreed that the welcoming initiative could be improved upon. After that goals discussion, Lee [Reid] asked if I would like to be on the Welcome Team, and that is how I got involved. Participating in that goals meeting opened up the doors to the “inner sanctums” of the church in a real way. Prior to that point, I did not know how to get involved in the church, and, suddenly, I had became a member of a highly worthwhile team.

So it was joining the welcoming committee that was kind of the tipping point for you, feeling like you were starting to get involved?

Yes. Before I joined the Welcome Team I was on the verge of stopping, because I didn’t feel a strong connection to the church. I enjoyed the sermons; I love the sermons. But I didn’t feel a strong connection. After I joined the Welcome team, I had a purpose. I talked to people more. And instead of feeling like "nobody’s talking to me, what do I do?", all of the sudden I had a purpose. If I saw somebody by themselves, I could go up to them and talk to them. Because I have a role now. So that was really great.

Nice. It’s great to walk into the church - whatever entrance you come in - and somebody’s there smiling. You all do a really great job of it.

Linda: Thanks!


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