My personal goal is good stewardship – accepting and preserving what past generations have provided for us, and preserving and enhancing what we received for the benefit of those who follow us. John Mirick

Worship services provide both stimulation and time for quiet contemplation. Some Sundays I am on the edge of my pew, caught up in a thought-provoking sermon and integrated ancient and modern readings that are reminders that while the details may change, there are timeless themes that must be confronted by every culture in every age. Sometimes Sunday services are more self-centering as I mostly listen to our wonderful music.
I enjoy our
diversity! How dull and uninteresting it
would be if everyone was in lock step on every issue. We share our thoughts and interests and ideas
and concerns, and we respect the different thoughts and interests and ideas and
concerns that others have. Diane and I have
many close friends in First Unitarian – and as we work on church activities we
make new friends.
As a Church,
we have developed something special over the years. First Unitarian has shaped us, and we have
shaped First Unitarian. My personal goal
is good stewardship – accepting and preserving what past generations have
provided for us, and preserving and enhancing what we received for the benefit
of those who follow us.
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