Being UU is a way of life. I continuously seek to align my actions to our shared UU principles. Laura Kirshenbaum

To be UU goes beyond words. After all, the principles “are not dogma or doctrine, but rather a guide for those of us who choose to join and participate in Unitarian Universalist religious communities,” says Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove. In my life, it is not something that I say, it is more what I aspire to do and be. It is how I try to make my way through life.
Being UU is a way of life. I continuously seek to
align my actions to our shared UU principles. Sometimes I find the
alignment easy, other times it is a challenge. It is in the later where
my First U community comes in to the picture. After all, as Frank Clark
says, “we find comfort among those who agree with us and growth among those who
In First U, I find comfort. Here, I find friends living life, making choices and grappling with the same challenges to our beliefs, values and principles. It is in these challenges, that I find us all sharing our fears, learning from one another and becoming inspired to a life more in alignment with our shared values and principles. My UU friends remind me that I am not alone in my challenges. They help me find comfort in a world that can (at many times) be very uncomfortable.
In First U, I find comfort. Here, I find friends living life, making choices and grappling with the same challenges to our beliefs, values and principles. It is in these challenges, that I find us all sharing our fears, learning from one another and becoming inspired to a life more in alignment with our shared values and principles. My UU friends remind me that I am not alone in my challenges. They help me find comfort in a world that can (at many times) be very uncomfortable.
Thank you Laura!