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Giving Time and Talent: Caring Circles

Danna Peterson

The Caring Circles seeks to bring together members of the church to get to know each other better.  In a closer relationship people feel more comfortable to ask for help, receive help and share ideas more openly.  We have a very talented, interesting, compassionate and diverse congregation!  There is much to learn from each other and I feel the Caring Circles are instrumental in this regard.

Being a co-leader of a Caring Circle has given me the opportunity to become more involved in church activities and to become closer to the church community.  I have enjoyed making new friends and I feel more comfortable sharing thoughts and ideas on a wide range of topics.  I am also grateful for the opportunity to help the church maintain its vibrant community. --Danna Peterson

“In this congregation we covenant to care for one another.”  This is the first line of the mission 
Joan Russo

statement of the Caring Community (also known as “Caring Circles”). How could I not want to be a part of something that speaks to the very heart of what I believe we are all here to do as part of our human experience?  

As a co-leader of our Caring Community  I hope to help strengthen the connections within each circle and expand that connection within  the  larger congregation.  I believe the model of our “Circles” of  Caring Community will help us find a greater connection with one another. Through that bond, we will find comfort and reward in both giving and receiving care. --Joan Russo

Rick Silva

Building closer friendships among neighbors who are church members is probably the necessary first step to being comfortable asking for help when its needed. The church community becomes stronger when we help each other through illnesses or other problems. There is a smaller chance of someone losing the connection to church when these friendships grow stronger.

The Caring Circle has given Madeline and I an opportunity to develop closer friendships with  neighborhood church members.  We have found new friends only blocks away.  We have also started an annual Christmas Caroling event at UMASS Hospital to help us give a little back to the community. --Rick Silva


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