Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)
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Liz Gustavson |
The Interfaith Hospitality Network is a shelter for families who have become homeless. I have helped out with the program for over ten years. Being the "go-to" person at church for coordinating volunteers, raising money for supplies, and in organizing "just in time" donations as families graduate from the program gives me great satisfaction. As the coordinator at First Unitarian, I also have the opportunity to develop relationships with the guests of the program because during the weeks we cover, I am there daily.
For our congregation, I think (I hope!) there is a sense of pride about being a significant part of the financial support for the shelter. There are about 30 religious congregations that are in the network; each is asked to try to make an annual contribution of at least $2000 a year; our annual Christmas Eve donation is usually three times that amount. I think that IHN is a significant mission of the church.
There are about a dozen members of the congregation who are regular volunteers for the evening and overnight shifts, including Lesa McWalters and the youth group, which has frequently come to play with the children. Having a hands-on way of helping others who are in need feels good! For each of the three weeks we are typically scheduled, we are also asked to provide support for food and supplies that week, about $250-$300. Many folks in our congregation, who are perhaps unable to volunteer at the June St. site, have been generous in donating money.
I think this quote from John Wesley sums up for me my belief in being involved:
“Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”
Helping out at IHN is a way for me, and for our congregation, to do good. -- Liz Gustavson
John Henry's Hammer Open Mic
“There is
joy!” so many of our UU hymns
resound. That’s what I
believe we bring
to the community through the John Henry’s Hammer Open Mic. I am so glad to be part of it. Musicians, Lydia Fortune, Phil Nigro, and
Sten Gustavson and Rick Levine, who assist in operating it, have helped me grow
as a singer and musician. Bob and Sue
Shaw, our refreshments coordinators, provide moral support to all, too.
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Linda Wyatt |
The people
who attend the open mic are welcoming to seasoned, novice, and in-between
performers. They affirm the First Principle of our faith denomination: “We honor the inherent worth and dignity of
every person”. We learn from each other!
They provide “Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth”
(UU’s Third Principle). I believe the
JHH Open Mic is a valuable extension of our church’s outreach and music
ministry. -- Linda Wyatt
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